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What? Wisp is a simple and small programming language not unlike Scheme, designed to be easily embedded in almost anything and also easily extended.

The 'most ready' application for Wisp so far is eWisp for automatic text file (such as source code or web page) generation. Look at the Name List Demo for a sample application running on ewisp. There's also an older, pretty static gray scale page.

Alpha Currently, Wisp is officially in the alpha stage of development which means it might do many things horribly wrong. Still, it is already stable enough to compile itself for bootstrapping purposes.
Name The name `Wisp' refers to Lisp because that's what Wisp is at its core. (Remember that even Scheme is actually just a Lisp.) It also refers to an episode of `Honey, I shrunk the kids' (by Disney) where a robot teddy bear, called Fwuffy and looking cute as ever, attempts to take over the world and ``destwoy all humankind''. (By the way, take a look at the Evil Overlord List.) `Wisp' also refers to the will-o'-the-wisps that tempt you but never let you catch them. Wisp also refers to many other things too numerous to be mentioned here, so I won't mention them here.

Oh, and while we're at it, the rumours that Wisp Is a Sinister Plot are completely unfounded.

Caveats The current implementation of Wisp suffers from a couple of past design mistakes which make it rather slow. With luck, things will get better in a while as the run-time environment gets rearchitected.
Download You can download Wisp from the SourceForge FTP server or any of its mirrors. The SourceForge project page is here and the instructions to fetch the latest development state from the CVS repository are here. Beware that at times the latest thing in the repository might not even compile, not to mention working properly.
Help Should you want to help me develop Wisp, please start by downloading the sources - just to show your dedication :-) Even if you can't get them to compile or run (in which case I'd like to hear about it and appreciate portability patches), you can read the files README and TODO. Also, it allows you to look at the code - maybe you don't like it at all (which I hope never happens, though). And mail me your ideas.